

All substantive 变化 will be reported to the Southern Association of 大学s and Schools Commission on 大学s (SACSCOC) on a timely basis consistent with the Commission's 有关实质性改变的政策.


Substantive 改变 is a significant modification or expansion of the nature and scope 在SACSCOC实质性变更政策中定义的认可机构的资格. 的 学院的实质性变化政策委员会可在以下网址访问 http://sacscoc.org/app/uploads/2019/08/SubstantiveChange.pdf. A number of SACSCOC substantive 改变 documents and other resources are available ,包括以下点播专题网络研讨会:

    • 确定重大偏离 
    • 双重招生和教学网站
    • 如何撰写招股说明书
    • 管理校外教学网站

SACSCOC实质性变更文件也可在学院的 SACSCOC实质性变更网页在此.


了解这些要求是所有学院人员的责任 to notify SACSCOC (and, in some cases, obtain advanced approval) concerning all substantive 变化. 十大正规网投平台提议的行动是否为实质性改变的决定; 需要什么类型的通知,何时需要通知,SACSCOC是否 must give advance approval will often require advance consultation with the college’s SACSCOC联络. 本政策规定了确保这种磋商的程序 takes place in advance to enable these discussions about compliance with the SACSCOC 及时对政策进行实质性的改变.

十大正规网赌平台's (EGSC) SACSCOC联络 is responsible for coordinating 学院的实质性变更通知行动. 学院的SACSCOC联络员 will present an overview of the SACSCOC substantive 改变 policy to the President's Cabinet at the beginning of each academic year and inform the Cabinet of important 必要时更新. SACSCOC联络员将在学院网站上保持链接 to this substantive 改变 notification policy and a worksheet that will aid in the 查明实质性变化并准备所需文件.

In addition, the SACSCOC联络 will consult with the President of the 大学 and the President's Cabinet concerning strategic initiatives that may be classified as 根据SACSCOC政策作出实质性改变.


According to the SACSCOC policy, there are three procedures for addressing the different 实质性变化的类型:

    • 程序一个 用于审查在实施前需要批准的实质性变更 (也可能需要通知).
    • 过程中两个 for the Review of Substantive Changes Requiring Only Notification Prior to Implementation (有些更改还需要提交额外的文件).
    • 过程三个 关闭一个项目、站点、分校或机构.

近年来,EGSC进行了几种不同类型的实质性变革. 一些 of these 变化 have been reported to SACSCOC using 程序一个 and others using 过程中两个. 例如,程序二用于向SACSCOC报告发行情况 of 10 associate of arts and 5 associate of science degrees with disciplinary distinctions 从2017年秋季学期开始. 使用过程二的另一个例子是报告 学院在地区高中开设的双招生课程. 相比之下, 程序一个 has been followed for reporting each new baccalaureate program and to report the expansion of course offerings at EGSC Augusta beyond 50 percent of credits 必须完成副学士学位. 就学士学位课程而言, prior SACSCOC approval was required because new curricula were to be offered by the 大学. 对于EGSC十大正规网投平台扩建,需要SACSCOC事先批准,因为 the number of core curriculum course offerings were being expanded at a new location.


的 due dates for notifying SACSCOC vary according to the type of substantive 改变 被提出了. 在某些情况下,必须提前通知SACSCOC 变更的实现. 因此,其中的建议可能会有实质性的变化 should be reported by the college personnel initiating that proposal at the time of 提案的初步发展. 这将使报告潜力的人成为可能 更改和SACSCOC联络人确定适当的截止日期.


    1. 学术的变化
      All proposals for curricular modifications, new degree programs, and/or academic work on levels previously not included within the scope of EGSC’s SACSCOC accreditation must be reviewed within the context of SACSCOC and EGSC substantive 改变 criteria and policies by the School’s Academic Dean and the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs prior to submission to the Academic 政策 and Curriculum Committee (").
      1. 的 dean and VPASA will complete the substantive 改变 checklist and outline forms 在开始审查提案之前提出如下. VPASA必须发送 forms to the SACS liaison and the Cabinet to alert them to any potential substantive 改变 issues that may arise in connection with new academic proposals prior to any 提交给APCC.
      2. Any academic proposal to the APCC must include a section indicating the need (or not) for a substantive 改变 proposal(s) to SACSCOC and must provide sufficient information for the committee to determine whether the institution can meet the SACSCOC Principles 被认为是实质性变更批准所必需的认可. 建议 to APCC should not be approved if the proposal cannot document that the substantive 所涉及的变化不能支持和坚持SACSCOC原则. 教职员评议 should also take into account the substantive 改变 issues documented in the proposal.
    2. All other 变化 In consultation with the 大学's SACSCOC联络 and the President's Cabinet, initiatives to be presented to the Cabinet will be reviewed based on SACSCOC 在提交给内阁之前实质性改变政策标准.
      1. EGSC personnel responsible for implementing a substantive 改变 will complete the 实质性变更清单和大纲表格如下所示.
      2. 学院的SACSCOC联络员 in conjunction with the appropriate Vice President will prepare a timeline for each approved initiative that has been identified as a substantive 改变, including when the 大学 will submit the initiative to its governing board, the 佐治亚大学系统 Board of Regents (USG BOR); when SACSCOC must be notified; and when any supporting documentation needs to be submitted to both agencies.
    3. Depending upon the substantive 改变 to be reported, the appropriate academic and institutional committees will take the necessary actions to implement the substantive 改变. 新学术课程的发展将得到以下工作的支持 APCC和教务委员会.


    1. 的 SACSCOC联络, in conjunction with the appropriate Vice President, will prepare any required notification of SACSCOC and any required request for approval by SACSCOC 由学院院长审核、批准、签署. SACSCOC联络员将 then notify SACSCOC of the substantive 改变 in the manner and by the date required 由SACSCOC的实质性变化政策.
    2. All required documentation to obtain approval for the substantive 改变 will be prepared under the leadership of the divisional Vice President or Dean of the School in consultation 与EGSC SACSCOC联络员联络. 文件必须由副总统提交 or Dean in charge of the initiative to the President of the 大学 and the EGSC SACSCOC liaison for review at least one month in advance of any deadlines published by SACSCOC.
    3. 3. EGSC和SACSCOC之间十大正规网投平台任何实质性通知的所有通信 变更或请求批准实质性变更将由 SACSCOC联络员或主席.
